I like the store

It’s also a good time to tell you one of the few jokes our kids know, and which I will probably now not forget in my lifetime because they told it to every friend and family member at least twice this trip and to Himself and I about 400 times.

Naturally it’s an obligatory  fact that every parent must stoically try and pull a surprised face  and laugh as hysterically as possible upon delivery of the punchline each and every time the joke is told, and truth is that eventually Himself and I naughtily added  a bit of a additional “grownup”  joke to see which of us could feign the most surprise and laugh the best without the kids twigging that this was an additional game that they weren’t part of.

Don”t blame me for the corniness of the joke,  it came out of a Christmas cracker, or  very cheap kids joke book or the like and it goes like this:

Question: “Where do baby apes sleep?”    Answer: “In an apricot of course!”

Yes I know… it’s baaaad. Believe me it’s even worse when you’ve heard it about 500 times in one holiday. What we do for  our kids (and to stay sane on long car journeys).

Now that I’ve tasted these muffins I can tell you that not only do they look good, they taste amazing too… Raymund has a recipe in his link if you’d like to give it a go yourself. Let us know if you like them too.